Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Assalamualaikum and salam UiTM DiHatiku to all my blog readers. Firstly before i start let me introduce myself first >_<

My name Zulaikha Binti Abdullah. I am a student who currently study at UiTM NEGERI SEMBILAN, CAMPUS KUALA PILAH. Now I'm just being one of the undergraduate in Diploma in Microbiology ( AS114 ). One of the most important purpose I'm doing this portfolio is to introduce the student about UED120 or well known with soft skills. UED102 provides students with learning skills essential for varsity life, which should be within each student.



  • Getting Ready To Learn
  • Goal Setting
  • Time Management & Organization Skills
  • Getting To Know The Campus
  • Memory, learning & Improving Concetration
  • Taking Lecture Note
  • Academic Integrity & Performance


Making the moves from being in school is not an easy task. Student need to make new friends at new place. Students also need to stay in hostel for Semester 1 and be apart with family. There are also many new things student need to know and adapt the university life.

The term "learning style" speaks differently. People learn  and memorize information using a variety learning styles. An individual's learning style refers to the preferential way in which the students absorbs, processess, comprehends and retains information.

So here are the differences between SCHOOL and COLLEGE


A)Learning Style Inventory

Picture below is the test that i have taken during UED session.

B)Scoring Learning Style Inventory

C) Characteristics of Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learner

VISUAL LEARNERS needs to see information. The visual learning style, often referred to as  the spatial learning style, is a way of learning in which information is associated with images.This learning style requires that learners first see what they are expected to know. People with a visual learning style are often referred to as visual-spatial learners.

AUDITORY LEARNERS need to hear information. It is a learning style in which a person learns through listening. An auditory learner depends on listening and speaking as a main way of learning. Auditory learners must be able to hear what is being said in order to understand and may have difficulty with instructions that are drawn but if the writing is in a logical order it can be easier to understand.

KINESTHETIC LEARNERS need to be physically active and doing things. If your preferred style is kinesthetic, you are a hands-on learners. You have good coordination and learn by doing.You generally have an active what is approach to learning.

For this test, my highest score is auditory and visual styles. So, this basically shows that i am learning through listening and observing things.

Image result for types of learners

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UiTM NEGERI SEMBILAN KAMPUS KUALA PILAH Assalamualaikum and salam UiTM DiHatiku to all my blog readers. Firstly before i start let ...